SinGAN - Learning a Generative Model from a Single Natural Image论文翻译——中英文对照

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SinGAN: Learning a Generative Model from a Single Natural Image


We introduce SinGAN, an unconditional generative model that can be learned from a single natural image. Our model is trained to capture the internal distribution of patches within the image, and is then able to generate high quality, diverse samples that carry the same visual content as the image. SinGAN contains a pyramid of fully convolutional GANs, each responsible for learning the patch distribution at a different scale of the image. This allows generating new samples of arbitrary size and aspect ratio, that have significant variability, yet maintain both the global structure and the fine textures of the training image. In contrast to previous single image GAN schemes, our approach is not limited to texture images, and is not conditional (i.e. it generates samples from noise). User studies confirm that the generated samples are commonly confused to be real images. We illustrate the utility of SinGAN in a wide range of image manipulation tasks.



1. Introduction

Generative Adversarial Nets (GANs) [19] have made a dramatic leap in modeling high dimensional distributions of visual data. In particular, unconditional GANs have shown remarkable success in generating realistic, high quality samples when trained on class specific datasets (e.g., faces [33], bedrooms[47]). However, capturing the distribution of highly diverse datasets with multiple object classes (e.g. ImageNet [12]), is still considered a major challenge and often requires conditioning the generation on another input signal [6] or training the model for a specific task (e.g. super-resolution [30], inpainting [41], retargeting [45]).

1. 引言


Here, we take the use of GANs into a new realm – unconditional generation learned from a single natural image. Specifically, we show that the internal statistics of patches within a single natural image typically carry enough information for learning a powerful generative model. SinGAN, our new single image generative model, allows us to deal with general natural images that contain complex structures and textures, without the need to rely on the existence of a database of images from the same class. This is achieved by a pyramid of fully convolutional light-weight GANs, each is responsible for capturing the distribution of patches at a different scale. Once trained, SinGAN can produce diverse high quality image samples (of arbitrary dimensions), which semantically resemble the training image, yet contain new object configurations and structures(Fig. 1).

Figure 1

Figure 1: Image generation learned from a single training image. We propose SinGAN–a new unconditional generative model trained on a single natural image. Our model learns the image’s patch statistics across multiple scales, using a dedicated multi-scale adversarial training scheme; it can then be used to generate new realistic image samples that preserve the original patch distribution while creating new object configurations and structures.


Figure 1


Modeling the internal distribution of patches within a single natural image has been long recognized as a powerful prior in many computer vision tasks [64]. Classical examples include denoising [65], deblurring [39], super resolution [18], dehazing [2, 15], and image editing [37, 21, 9, 11, 50]. The most closley related work in this context is [48], where a bidirectional patch similarity measure is defined and optimized to guarantee that the patches of an image after manipulation are the same as the original ones. Motivated by these works, here we show how SinGAN can be used within a simple unified learning framework to solve a variety of image manipulation tasks, including paint-to-image, editing, harmonization, superresolution, and animation from a single image. In all these cases, our model produces high quality results that preserve the internal patch statistics of the training image (see Fig. 2 and our project webpage). All tasks are achieved with the same generative network, without any additional information or further training beyond the original training image.

Figure 2

Figure 2: Image manipulation. SinGAN can be used in various image manipulation tasks, including: transforming a paint (clipart) into a realistic photo, rearranging and editing objects in the image, harmonizing a new object into an image, image super-resolution and creating an animation from a single input. In all these cases, our model observes only the training image (first row) and is trained in the same manner for all applications, with no architectural changes or further tuning (see Sec. 4).


Figure 2


Single image deep models Several recent works proposed to “overfit” a deep model to a single training example [51, 60, 46, 7, 1]. However, these methods are designed for specific tasks (e.g., super resolution [46], texture expansion [60]). Shocher et al. [44, 45] were the first to introduce an internal GAN based model for a single natural image, and illustrated it in the context of retargeting. However, their generation is conditioned on an input image (i.e., mapping images to images) and is not used to draw random samples. In contrast, our framework is purely generative (i.e. maps noise to image samples), and thus suits many different image manipulation tasks. Unconditional single image GANs have been explored only in the context of texture generation [3, 27, 31]. These models do not generate meaningful samples when trained on non-texture images (Fig. 3). Our method, on the other hand, is not restricted to texture and can handle general natural images (e.g., Fig. 1).

1.1. 相关工作


最近的一些工作提出将深度模型“过度拟合”为单个训练示例[51、60、46、7、1]。 但是,这些方法是为特定任务设计的。 Shocher等。 [44,45]是第一个为单个自然图像引入基于GAN的内部模型的,并在重新定位的情况下进行了说明。 但是,它们的生成取决于输入图像(即,将图像映射到图像),并且不用于绘制随机样本。 相反,我们的框架是纯粹生成的(即将噪声映射到图像样本),因此适合许多不同的图像处理任务。 仅在纹理生成的背景下研究了无条件的单图像GAN [3,27,31]。 当在非纹理图像上训练时,这些模型不会生成有意义的样本(图3)。 另一方面,我们的方法不限于纹理,并且可以处理一般的自然图像(例如,图1)。


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